I really loved your post, Rona! I truly appreciated all of your thoughts.

If it would not personally affect you in any way if a homosexual couple got married, why oppose it? I am genuinely curious here.
Well that's why I love the voting system. Consciously, I just can't vote 'yes' to something I don't believe in, but if the majority ever votes 'yes' for gay marriage, that's fine by me. And you're so right--it doesn't personally affect me, and I'm tempted to say I wouldn't even vote at all if I ever lived in a state where such a proposition came up. I just can't vote yes because of my Roman Catholic beliefs, but I'm not sure I could vote no, and push my religion on everyone else. I totally get it--both of my relative's brothers are gay and have wonderful significant others. Christmas isn't the same without them!--but at the end of the day, I'm not a buffet Catholic. I won't pick and choose when to stand by church doctrine, so I'd rather leave it up to the voters who don't have a religious stake in it.

I'm tempted to say same-sex unions will have their day...for a lot of voters who don't have the Crisis of Catholic Conscience like I do, (say that five times fast *g*), it's kind of like Wendy, said, there are some things that take longer than others to get used to. We may not all agree on everything, but we can become more accepting society, and I think we'll just have to keep watch and see how we can come together on this issue to make everyone happy.


"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy