I think this quote from Terry Leatherwood
**"Despite the debate over the issue, no one has located a "gay gene" or genetic code to force people to be gay. People who are gay choose to live a gay lifestyle. It is a personal choice.
Whether that choice is right or wrong is a separate but related issue. However, I have yet to see any objective scientific evidence that the gay lifestyle is predetermined within an individual. Therefore it can be debated as a choice, not as something which cannot be altered.** is the reason that we are speaking different languages here.
Being gay is not a choice. Listen again:
Being gay is not a choice.
Who in the hell would *choose* to be reviled, abused, discriminated and dehumanized in the way gay people have been ? I believe that gay people are born the way they are and it is not a choice. They are the children of God, just as I am, and the loving God that I believe in does not make mistakes. If people are gay, they are still my fellow human beings, and entitled to all the same rights under the law as I am.