I don't plan to get involved in this particular debate, but I did want to respond to this statement that Vicki made:
I also know that proponents of same-sex marriage do not, as a rule, assume the same about their opponents. Rather, we are assumed to be intolerant, uncharitable, and, yes, even hateful. Thus, our arguments are dismissed as "biased" before they have even been presented. How sad.
Vicki, you're expressing dismay in the way that you feel that opponents of same-sex marriage are often viewed by the proponents. That they are stereotyped as all being "......". And I can't deny that there are some people who probably do feel that way. But by your using the phrase "as a rule", you appear to be lumping most proponents into the same category. In other words, you're stereotyping that side in a similar fashion to what you feel they do.

But unfair as it is, people stereotype those who hold opposing viewpoints all the time. Although we've been able to hold a number of very fair and rational discussions on these boards, it's happened here too.

If you automatically expect bias "as a rule" from proponents of the same-sex issue, then aren't you stereotyping them, assuming that most - if not all - of those "on the other side" are thinking negative things about you. If you assume the worst from most of the members of one side; and if they assume the worst from most of the members of your side, where's the difference?


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5