However there's a huge difference between a sexual relationship and marriage. I've read enough of your fiction, Wendy, to know that you don't feel that two people have to be married to have sex.

I don't believe that there are any laws on the books in California that claim you have to be married to have sex. The marriage argument falls apart when you claim that the choice is marriage or celibacy.

Terry, I'm glad that you clarified because I hated coming down on the other side of the argument with you. It is not my opinion that homosexual attractions are a choice because we as people, for the most part, don't choose our feelings. But we do choose what feelings we want to feed, and we also choose our actions.

I chose celibacy for 22 years, and I can tell you that it isn't painful. I can also say that monogamy can be quite fun and exciting. But the truth is that arguments about celibacy and monogamy are all beside the point since the law doesn't address them. It addresses marriage.

Edit to address Joy's statements which were posting at the same time as mine: Be very careful. Up until now this discussion has been very respectful. You, at least, owe him the decency of reading fully what he said before cursing at him. He clarified to differentiate between having homosexual urges which cannot be controlled and living a homosexual lifestyle which can.