My favorite line so far from the emails I've seen taken from the CRU is this one when talking about manipulating the data to create the desired result:

We can have a proper result, but only by including a load of garbage!
Which goes to show that even the global warming "scientists" knew their data was garbage and had to perpetrate fraud in order to push their ideology.

And as usual, the Democrats in Congress once again want to go after the person(s) who got the emails instead of investigating the fraud involved in the data.

Anyone remember the scandal where a Republican Congressional staffer pulled some emails off of an open server discussing how Judiciary Committee Democrats had to destroy Miguel Estrada to prevent him from influencing Hispanics away from the Democratic Party? They wanted him off the Appeals court bench because they were afraid he was a Hispanic, not because they thought he was unqualified for the appeals court. Yet with the help of the media, the scandal became the "theft" of emails from an open server rather than the contents of the emails themselves. I can easily see the vested news media trying to do the same here.

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin