Or you can decide that you are going to get together and pool your resources and do whatever you can to deal with the problem.
Here's my issue with that statement; the "powers that be" are trying not to allow me that decision. They're trying to FORCE this plan on me. That is, rather than trust me to use MY resources(that is the money I earn with my time spent working), there are folks who have decided that they know better than I do how to spend MY MONEY.

One thing about all this "pooling your resources" is that SOMEBODY always wants to be in charge, and all too often(per history on human nature) these guys want a cut for all their hard work of "being in charge" and then they end up doing whatever the hell they want with this luxury while the those of us forced to "contribute" to these "projects" are expected to keep contributing.

You have these folks with all these "good intentions" that get together and say what we should do, but what they never really disclose is that they are going to be in charge of how they go about accomplishing these goals and how they are going to take my hard earned time and cash toward these "good intentions".

mr algore, with his $30,000 a month electricity bill mansion, and his private jet to concerts and speeches, and his airconditioned houseboat has already proven his pretentiousness to me. There is no way, with a hypocrite like HIM leading the pack, I will EVER agree to freely give to anything he proposes and I will fight tooth and nail to avoid giving to anything he proposes.

As far as buying us time on earth, tomorrow is NEVER guaranteed. We could be hit by a meteor any minute now and all that panic and hand-wringing about saving the planet(snort) will have been a complete waste of MY resources, regardless of whatever graphs and heavenly photos have been presented. I'd rather have the free choice, right now, to do what I want with the time and money I have, thanks anyway.


Jayne Cobb: Shepherd Book once said to me, "If you can't do something smart, do something RIGHT!