Last night I noticed that Roger had posted to this thread, so I checked it out to see what he had to say.

Uh, Ann -- are you actually serious? Now, I admit that my astronomy knowledge may be a little out of date. I took a basic astronomy course at Solano Community College in the 80s, but I can't believe that the information was that far off.

When I studied astronomy, the estimate was that the Sun is about 8 billion years old, and that it is about half way through its lifespan. Even if that has changed somewhat, the changes in the Sun that you are talking about won't become significant for millions of years, at least, and maybe not for a few billion. How in Heaven's name is something that we do or don't do *now* going to make any difference at all?

Taking drastic, panicky steps now, over AGW, which we aren't even sure is happening and which we aren't even sure how to tackle without making things a lot worse, seems a bit premature, don't you think?


PS: And now I really *am* through, because I think everything has pretty much been said. May I add that making wild accusations about people objecting to keeping the planet clean, when you know very well that isn't what was being said, is bound to cause some anger. While I trust that I am adult enough not to take such accusations personally, I must admit to a tiny bit of annoyance at the way you twisted what I said just to make a point. I am not a professional debater, and I may not always phrase things correctly, but I think you knew very well what I meant.

Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.