The activists claimed that although their actions were technically unlawful - criminal damage - that climate change is even more criminally damaging to the country and so their actions were justified for the greater good.
So now I'm wondering, if someone decided to bomb a college science lab because they use live rats for their experiments, then it's okay because the "greater good" is making sure live animals aren't used in experiments??? That's some twisted thinking on that jury.

I guess if we don't go along with the global warming religion, we'll just have to be bullied into it. I guess if they want to start hacking our bank accounts to support their agenda of "saving the earth" we should just accept it. I recall several SUV's on the left coast being damaged by a bunch of fanatics a year or so ago. But no, it's okay because they were doing it for the greater good of the planet :rolleyes:


Jayne Cobb: Shepherd Book once said to me, "If you can't do something smart, do something RIGHT!