*sigh* <shakes head>

Both the changing of the Earth's atmosphere and humanity's responsibility for it are facts.
FACTS BASED ON WHAT??? huh Seriously, I see this generalization you've made here, but you have nothing, absolutely nothing substantial, nothing any unagenda-ed, nonbiased, consensus of "scientists" has suggested that proves people have anything to do with the freaking weather. Lemme 'splain in simple how it works. The earth spins in orbit, the wind blows, clouds form and make rain, and the sun stays out in the center of the galaxy heating things up and all of it does those things as they were designed to do and THAT'S IT. If the earth is as old as evolutionists believe then the 150+ years of technology we've had going on won't make a firking blip on this rock's radar, and that being the case, it'll be around LOOOOONG after you and I are gone. Just think about it like that; it'll save on all the self blame and paranoid hand wringing.

Jayne Cobb: Shepherd Book once said to me, "If you can't do something smart, do something RIGHT!