The article stresses that Venus has suffered a runaway greenhouse effect. This happened after its atmosphere slowly changed until it reached a point of no return.
OMG! THOSE SELFISH PEOPLE ON VENUS, DESTROYING THEIR PLANET! What was wrong with them, didn't they realize the consequences of their next hundred years????

Oh yeah, there WERE NO people on Venus. It just changed...all by itself. Because of the sun I bet.

Seriously, there is NOTHING, not a damn thing we can do to change the what is going to happen to this planet. When human beings can get over themselves and figure that we are all in God's hands, then we can stop wasting our time worrying about stupid stuff.

One of the big things this "global warming" farce has become is a money venture, and that's all that's driving it right now. There's lots of cash to be made of those "carbon offsets" and it's not gonna be believable until we see the money stop flowing.

Jayne Cobb: Shepherd Book once said to me, "If you can't do something smart, do something RIGHT!