This is such a serious topic and I fear , at times, our media has handled it in both a superficial and sensational way.

Ann and Nan make very valid points - the issue isn't a simple one, involving just one variable. But because some of the actions we might urge our governments to take could have a very drastic impact on the basic lives of ordinary people, although not on multi-millionaries, of course, it's important for us to be both well-informed and thoughtful about *all* the variable involved.

Yet Paul has a good point - we can't ignore our individual contributions to the problem. So do what we can individually - and that should include Mr. Gore's moving out of that huge carbon emission mansion. smile

Here in Canada we've been engaging in several months of national (a loaded word in Canada btw) of simplistic self- flagellation, in the naive belief that we can stop global warming.
Yet Canada accounts for only 2% of global carbon emissions.
If we were to revert to the lifestyles of 200 years ago we still would make only a microscopic difference.

But we still must try.
