Seriously, there is NOTHING, not a damn thing we can do to change the what is going to happen to this planet. When human beings can get over themselves and figure that we are all in God's hands, then we can stop wasting our time worrying about stupid stuff.
You are right that there is nothing we can do to stop the Sun from eventually frying the Earth. However, we probably can do something to prevent the hastening of the demise of life on Earth. Earth can really be compared with a living organism. There is nothing you can do to prevent a living organism from dying eventually, but you don't need to treat it badly and make it develop bad habits so that it dies sooner.

Those of you who believe that we don't have to take care of the Earth because God will do it for us might want to consider these words from Genesis:

The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to till it and keep it.
From a cosmic perspective, the Earth is truly a garden of Eden. The catastrophic failures of planets like Venus and Mars prove how difficult it is to come up with a perfect planet like the Earth. So if we think of the Earth as the garden of Eden, which is not unreasonable, then maybe we should also think that God put us here because he wanted us to keep and preserve the Eden he has given us. At least, when we knowingly change the composition of the Earth's atmosphere, we probably shouldn't tell ourselves that God will magically remove the extra greenhouses gases that we dump in the air.

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