Do you seriously call it "circumstantial evidence" that we are affecting the atmosphere when we know that millions of man-made contraptions are releasing smoke inte the atmosphere every day? And when we know, to boot, that there are just more and more cars, more and more factories, and very many airplanes releasing various gases into the atmosphere every day?

Is that circumstantial evidence?

Nan, I can't believe that you are saying that. Or at least, I can't believe that you truly think that all this smoke and gas that man-made things release simply disappear from the atmosphere without a trace. And to be very, very frank, I can't take you seriously if you really tell me that you believe that.

As for global warming, I don't know enough about it to say anything definite about it one way or another, although, yes, I believe that humanity and the way we are affecting the atmosphere has something to do with the general increase in temperature that we have seen worldwide for the last decades. I believe it, but I don't know it.

I know, however, that humanity is affecting the Earth's atmosphere. That isn't hard to know. We can discuss how much we are affecting it. However, we don't know how much we can affect it before we create a runaway effect.

Saying that we aren't affecting the Earth's atmosphere is like being caught on camera stealing things in a store and denying that you have stolen anything at all when the police confront you with the evidence. And saying that it doesn't matter that we release things into the atmosphere because our contribution is so small anyway is like saying that shoplifting shouldn't be regarded as a crime at all, since the value of what the shoplifters usually steal is so ridiculously low compared with the net worth of what those stores often make anyway.
