quote: "Didn't NZ get hit with lots of fines under Kyoto? No disrespect to New Zealand but they've surely never been a major source of pollution..."

Yeah... it's all the methane our agriculture releases into the atmosphere.. did you know there are 22 sheep to each person in New Zealand? and I'm sure I have a few cows as well. (and yes... I can laugh about the fact people like to tease New Zealand about it's sheep count).

Seriously though, I thought I would look up what the idiots in government in New Zealand have been up to (since I am only there once or twice a year), and what-do-you-know... they've generated a potential 4.2 billion deficit (or $1000 per New Zealander) by committing to the Kyoto Protocol.
The irony is, New Zealand is a green nation, and I'm not just talking about all those lush green paddocks of grass.
The main power sources in New Zealand are hydrothermal (water). The country has a strong emphasis on forestry and protecting the natural environment, mountains, forests & waters (which in turn helps scoop a great venue for movie locations). Recycling has been a concept I've been used to since I was in high school in the 80's. Because of the number of highly endangered species there (caused by the introduction of humans and mammals), environmental awareness has always played a major part of society in New Zealand. Asking for a styrofoam anything in New Zealand is like asking to have your armed chopped off... biiiig nono. And did I mention New Zealand has a no nuclear policy, which has meant US naval ships haven't been allowed into NZ waters since around 1985 because they don't disclose the nuclear nature of their vessels. New Zealand was also the first country to give women the right to vote (not that that's relevant to the global warming issue... but I figured a bit of trivia to show the openness of the country was worthwhile).
The hole in the ozone layer fluctuations over Antarctica have been of extreme interest to New Zealand for some years now as not only can it effect agriculture, but also cause health issues (such as increased rates of melanoma).

So to me, it seems silly that the government of the day would be willing to sign a protocol without knowing (because who can actually know the costs) what impact it will have or even researching the ramifications to the New Zealand environment (let alone the economy).
It just shows you now much politicians base their judgement on facts *yeah right*.

"He's my best friend, best of all best friends
Do you have a best friend too
It tickles in my tummy
He's so Yummy Yummy
Hey you should get a best friend too" - Toy Box