The thing is that the "evidence" isn't. There is circumstantial evidence, but there are plenty of other possible explanations for that as well. I prefer to weigh the evidence, rather than panic, and just because a number of scientists, many of whom have no credentials in climate science, and many of whom are looking at large financial grants to study the problem, say it is so doesn't mean it is. There are a lot of climate scientists who disagree -- they just aren't given as much publicity as the others, because disasters generate more excitement in the media. There's the old saying, "If it bleeds, it leads."

There are plenty of experts with opposing views and a lot of evidence that AGW is at best a misreading of evidence, and at worst a hoax for people with incentives of financial and/or political gain. (Just take a look at Al Gore, for instance. He's become a multi-millionaire because of his crusade, and he doesn't even try to follow the tenets that he lays down for the rest of us.)

With the temperature of the Earth currently dropping, there is enough doubt in my mind that I'm not ready to surrender my freedom to a bunch of bureaucrats in the name of combating Global Warming.

In any case, this argument is fruitless. No one is going to be convinced, and what finally happens some years down the line will tell us who was right. I don't believe we are in any immediate danger from the greenhouse effect, and I suspect that, with more evidence coming out daily, we will soon know for sure, and then we can take action -- if any is really needed.


PS: By the way, the solar trend continues. There are no sunspots on the sun today.

Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.