/Smallville Girl saunters up to the sandbox.
"ooh! Can I come play? Kathy, do you have any Strawberry-Banana virgin Margaritas?" (old enough, but no alcohol tastes better wink )

And hope, too, that Clark will seek out Chloe, who is Lois Lane, I swear!
CC, I felt the same way as you in the beginning, and still would LOVE it. But sadly, I know better. While she shares many things with Lois, including a blood line with Lois, she is not her in the flesh... frown

I am *not* a Smallville girl. In fact, the mere thought that someone will see my name in this thread and think that I am a Smallville girl is distressing to me.
Kathy...lol. I have no choice! :p I chose my name "Smallville Girl" before the show started, but now I am forever grouped with it! Not that I don't like Smallville. I do. A lot. But the name came from LnC first, which is my first love. I've gotten a few...snubbings from ppl for the name b/c of Smallville... But d--m it I am not going to change it! I chose it for LC, I LOVE LC, and if they don't like the show that took my name razz Oh well! jump

-Breanna (who is a week late posting, and will have to move over to this weeks smallville episode stuff)

Trask: Does Superman have any telepathic powers?
Lois: (blushing) I hope not.