CC! Just quit it already. Stop sending these people large amounts of money and copious quantities of chocolate just so they'll publically agree with you! Sheesh, even SQD who watched an hour of static agreed with you. I smell conspiracy here!

That's OK, though. I can handle defeat. You may have won the battle but you haven't won the war. And I have a secret weapon up my sleeve for next week.

Secret message to Kathy, Shelley, SQD and Anna:
Ifway ouyay agreeway ithway emay onway extnay eek'sway episodeway, Iway illway inviteway ouyay otay ymay ivatepray Omtay Ellingway artypay erewhay ehay illway ebay atway ymay ousehay. Akednay. Eallyray. Onesthay.

OK, that's all. Good night.

You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah