Despite the use of a semi-colon, our friend Laura has thrown down the gauntlet. You and I might just have to...gulp...join forces!
CC - sssshhhhhhttttt! If we work our magic on her, she'll want us to share.

KathyB - I do think we were triplets, separated at birth. But perhaps you suffered some sort of trauma that made you wary of angsty fics and good looking men over 6 feet tall. It's OK, sis. We can work with you on these problems. Just...come home.

KathyM - SQD made a good point. It's all about the stamina. And young men are highly trainable.

But sadly, neither Tom nor Dean arrived last night despite the enticement of my hubby being away. They must have missed my e-mails. And I have to tell you, I would have probably locked the "loser" in the basement for later. <sigh> I know. I'm stingy.

I used to be a Clark/Lana don't-care-if-they-have-a-fling-because-in-the-end-he-loves-Lois person. Now I'm a Die-Lana-Die person because TPTB keep shoving her down my throat.

The one other problem I have with the Chloe is Lois scenario - I always loved that it was Love At First Sight with Clark when he saw Lois. Of course, maybe that's just the way it was presented in LnC. But if they made Chloe into Lois, it's more of the love-was-right-under-my-nose-all-this-time scenario, which doesn't hold nearly the impact IMHO. I want to see that electric moment when Clark first meets Lois.

Perhaps Chloe could move away, get a complete body and face plastic-surgery makeover and become a new woman. With dark hair. Oh, yeah. And get electro-shock therapy so she loses all memory of high school and her crazy friend Clark who had all of those secrets and was always snatching people from the jaws of death just like that new guy...Super-what's-his-name. Hmmmmm? Hey, wait a minute...


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah