Poor Lynn. So sad, so disappointed, and so very, very WRONG!

Well I was glued to it. My kids ran wild, no teeth were brushed, no one tucked in... When it was over I was very surprised to find them all still standing there. Go figure. They hadn't jsut magically put themselves to bed.

Where to start? Perhaps with how wrong Lynn is. I enjoy that.(hee)

I love it when they put in a call to continuity. They didn't have to put the Freaks of the Week in, but I think they went the extra step. Layered it a bit more. We see Clark "putting on the cape" and defeating bad guy after bad guy. It makes sense that they all go somewhere- here in particular. And that they talk. And that they have a bit of an axe to grind with our square-jawed hero.

(I'll digress. I know Dean Cain is handsome, I get that. But I dare you to examine TW's jawline and not...sigh...nevermind.)

Back on track-

And our savy Lex. Love seeing him standing mindlessly in line with all the others waiting to take his meds. And then seeing that our smart anti-hero is still inside, as he spat them into the paint. He is so aware. So sharp. I love how MR conveys this with just that glance at the camera.

And the institution itself. I love its sterility, its blues and greys. This is state run, and of course exaggerated, but I think if you were inside one of those hell holes, that is exactly how it would *feel*. Call the steel cage a metaphor. The isolation, the helplessness. Lex tied down underneath- no one to save him but Clark.

And Lionel.We know he loves his son in a twisted sort of way, but he can't let the son overtake the father no matter what the cost. So he does what he feels he has no other choice to do. Ruthless.

And our Clark? The most burdened man in the world. Blaming himself for not saving Lex, looking to Lana for comfort and getting the cold shoulder. All these powers and so much loneliness? What's worse, being in the steel cage, or being...you know...caged in the Man of Steel? (I know. Eeesh...couldn't resist it.)

All the stuff I love best about growing up super. Angsty in all caps.

I like that we saw some of Lex's real rage, as well. Shades of what's to come. And hope, too, that Clark will seek out Chloe, who is Lois Lane, I swear!

To sum up: Wrong, Lynn!<g> That is really my whole point.

CC (I know. I rambled. Have I mentioned I love this subject?)

You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
