But Lynn, I've read that one!

(Was that you? It was very clever)

Chloe gives up on ever getting Clark's attention, despite a cozy moment or two. She moves to..well..you know...dyes her hair and starts over with the new name of, well, you know.

(Now the memory wipe stuff wasn't in there, but I like it, you have the makings of a fine episode, blame those confounded meteor rocks, they do the strangest things...)

So they meet up again years later, after things with Lana have gone icky and he is alone and Super. And- shazam- it's love.

Sigh. A favorite of mine. Didn't know that was you. Would have sent you feedback.


edit- I have got to stop checking this thread! Try to pull myself away, but every time I come by the numbers have grown. And here we thought we were alone in the sandbox, turns out it's a party.

You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
