KathyB is enjoying the show from her lawn chair in the shade. I would have been content to continue spying through my binoculars from behind the bedroom curtains, if I hadn't felt compelled to tell you what just happened.

I was just thrown into such a fit of uncontrollable laughter that my husband came in to see what had happened. My stock response of "I read something funny" did not seem sufficient, considering the state of near-hysteria I was in, and he insisted on knowing exactly "what" I found so funny.

Me: "Well, this woman, Lynn, wrote to say that she didn't like the last episode of Smallville. Then, CC wrote that she disagreed. Some other women wrote in, and CC was impressed that one of them had used a semi-colon, and she started awarding bonus points. Lynn said that was cheating, so she wrote a secret message in pig-latin..."

I look up at my husband. He is not convinced.

DH: "Uh huh."

Me: "You had to be there."

You guys are the best! You have no idea how much fun I have every time I come here.

- Vicki

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster