Beverly -

In all seriousness here...

I've not read this particular fanfic, but I can see how it exists and why people would really like it if it is well written.

Part of the appeal of the show that I've heard many say (and have to admit I can understand) is the odd attraction between Lex and Clark - or perhaps between Tom Welling and Michael Rosenbaum - the "ho-yay" if you will. Two good looking men, strong feelings toward each other, an almost unnatural obsession for Clark by Lex. It all adds up to something that could be portrayed as gothically romantic. And if you aren't offended by homosexuality (which doesn't bother me - I'm a big fan of Queer as Folk where I've seen some relationships as romantic as any heterosexual ones), really puts a new spin on the whole story.

But for those who can't swallow anything of that nature, changing Clark into a female solves that problem neatly. You can maintain that electricity and great chemistry between these two characters without moving into slash fic and other areas that even I - as a person who has no problem with homosexuality as a rule - would rather not go into. I don't like to imagine Lex and Clark as a couple in that respect. It's not the Lex-is-a-future-evil-villain problem - I really like Smallville's Lex and hate knowing that he will be turning to the dark side. It's more the canon of knowing who Superman is and that he can't be gay.

I do have to say, though, that changing Clark into a woman might just tip the Alt reality so much for me that it is no longer "Superman" fanfic but "original" fanfic. Kind of a new twist on an old mythological story.

I may just have to check that fanfic site out.


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah