When I saw the number of posts, I figured Lynn had just been arguing with herself while I sat in the PTA meeting.
Hey, there's nothing wrong with that! Some of my most interesting conversations....shut up...it is not your turn to type...have been with, well, me.

OK, yes, I come clean. I stand before you and admit that I had a problem with Sun-In. But you gotta understand, I was only fifteen. I didn't know about the brassy streaks. Honest. I just wanted a few highlights and the sun, well, it's natural, you know?

So I give Chloe her "gentlemen prefer blonds" phase. Still, unless something happens in the next season or two where I start seeing some sparks between AM and TW, I'm just not buying that she's Future!Lois. Of course, there was kind of one really good kiss when they were in the medical records room and that guy walked in...

Birdie - you nailed it. It's those dang bangs! TPTB trying to bring 26-year-old Tom down to mid-teens are grasping at straws, but at least they throw us a bone every once in a while, ala Exile and Relic, when we get a Tom in full, bang-less glory. And they even try to make it up to us by throwing in some black shirts and bare-nekkid chest. What can I say? I'm easy.

PS - Thanks for the links.

I hereby solemnly swear that I will not click on any of Birdie's Most Excellent Smallville Fanfic Links until I have read all eligible Kerth Stories and the entire stack in my To Read folder, including the epic masterpiece, Masques, which has been started but not yet completed. God Bless America.

Shelley - I, too, am blessed with the amazing ability to view a 55" Tom Welling. If my husband had his way, it would be a full 65". But of course, he also would have gotten tired of cleaning lip marks off the screen, so it wasn't too hard to convince him that maybe smaller was actually better in this case.

Yeah, I notice that CC is kind of quiet now. I'm thinking she finally came around to the Lynn Is Always Right way of thinking. See, CC, that wasn't so bad.

/me wipes her hands, acknowledging a job well done. Now, how to go about converting the world to using only one space after periods...


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah