I cannot believe I am posting in this thread.

I am *not* a Smallville girl. In fact, the mere thought that someone will see my name in this thread and think that I am a Smallville girl is distressing to me. Because I do not like the show. I tried watching it, and it just didn't work for me.

Nonetheless, I pop into threads from time to time to see what is happening, because every once in a while I actually will turn on an episode to see where they are taking things...to see if there is anything that I can identify with. Maybe I'm just desperate for a new "Clark Kent"-fix. But it doesn't work.

And I'm enjoying the bantering going back and forth here, but I thought I would stick my nose in and just throw in a couple of comments. It's blatantly obvious that Lynn and CC won't agree with me on this first point...

Don't get me started on the absolute perfection in a male specimen that can be found there...
No. Definitely not. Maybe I'm just too old here, but for me, Tom Welling doesn't come even *remotely* close. No chance. Dean, on the other hand...

I, also, want to hang my bathrobe on the knob on the back of MR's head.
I can, however, see the attraction here. And that was one of the things that creeped me out a bit about Smallville when I was trying so hard to watch it: that here I was so much more fascinated by the Lex Luthor character than the Clark Kent character. And yes, I loved John Shea's portrayal of Lex and did find him fascinating, but to be so much "more" intrigued by Lex than Clark...well, that's just plain wrong...

But I know that I'm not alone in being intrigued by Lex as portrayed here; I've heard there is a large slash component to Smallville fic, as well as this alternate universe story that Beverly mentioned (which is an interesting way around it...)

And to end this post-that-really-said-nothing on a pleading note: please, Lynn and CC, if you do make these forays into writing Smallville fanfic, don't desert us here in L&Cdom, please??

{Hey, CC, did you notice my semi-colon? Wendy and Yvonne aren't the only ones who know how to use those, you know. I even threw in a couple of colons for good measure...}

"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5