CC called me a spectator. Well, I'm pulling up my lawn chair and digging into those margaritas that KathyB so kindly brought with her, because, ladies, I am having a blast reading this thread. *So* much more fun than watching the show. I've burst out laughing I don't know how many times...

As for the Tom Welling versus Dean Cain debate. I don't know if you've ever seen my "impossible choice post", but in case you haven't, I openly admit that if Tom Welling and Dean Cain were to arrive on my doorstep (tonight preferably because my husband's out of town) and told me to choose one of them to be my devoted love slave, I'd never be able to choose. Dean is buff and beautiful and just...yum...and exactly my age.
Hey, Lynn, did they show up at your house last night? Because my husband is out of town tonight, so it'd be just fine if the "loser" - which therefore better be Dean - showed up at my house tonight... He is, unfortunately, 9 years younger than I am, and maybe that's part of my problem with Tom, because he is *so* much younger than I am...

I thought about being the voice of reason; I still think TW looks, well... like an anorexic adolescent girl who's had collagen injections in her lips.
But no, it's definitely not just the age LauraBF rightly points out, and even includes a semi-colon (as CC noticed). Laura, I'm with you here! smile

Birdie, thanks for the link to the Lois/Clark story. That was very sweet. Would that be popular in the Smallville fandom? I understand there is a large contingent that loathes Lana, but aren't those same people who would be urging a Clark/Chloe pairing?

And Laura, I loved the way you killed almost everybody off. I guess the Smallville fandom likes whams too! goofy

Beverly, I literally cracked up at your line about children. rotflol I'm definitely going to have to remember that whenever my 11-year-old drives me crazy, which is of course almost every day...

Kathy (repeating KathyB's mantra: Dean Cain -- Yum! Michael Rosenbaum - Yum! Tom Welling -- I'd rather eat broccoli because it really works for me...)

"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5