Wow, I did the Sun-in thing in high school, too ... luckily I never had any crises of the orange variety. You know, sometimes I'm tempted to say that Lynn, CC and I were all separated at birth but then I remember their love of darker fanfics and, even more shocking, their love of Tom Welling, and I must face the truth. Oh, well, maybe we can be fraternal triplets ... you know, the kind who love to bicker but when push comes to shove, they'd, well, OK, shove their sister out of the way to get to the cute guy first. Um, moving on ...

Birdie, thanks for all those links. I loved that Lois/Clark story. Short but very sweet. Too bad whoever that is doesn't write for our fandom. (Hmm, though, hey, maybe she does ... /me casts a suspicious eye on the other posters on this thread.) If they update that "Chloe is Lois" site with any decent fanfic, please let me know!

Beverly, I'd respond, but I'm laughing too hard. Sorry, I tried to stop myself. No, really, I did!

And Laura, thanks for the link to your story. I was ROTFL. But even funnier is that they nominated it for best comedy in their fandom. That's just priceless.

Kathy (shuddering at the mere idea of a 55" Tom Welling, though a life size Dean Cain is a *very* enticing fantasy.)