Lynn! More wrongness!

And I felt so happy that I had shown you the light, set you free from your narrow-minded viewpoint. But here you are again.

(Heavy, heartfelt sigh.)

And you're right, we are the only people in this particular corner of the sandbox, so we may as well...

First, on a positive note, the jaw-line thing. Yeah....good that we see eye to eye on this, the most critical part of any epi. It gets better and better I think. I, also, want to hang my bathrobe on the knob on the back of MR's head. That's wrong, isn't it?

Ok, moving on...

Well, the guy knew he could get Clark's powers with the kryptonite and a bit of electricity! Of course he wanted it. If Clark is coming for Lex, and they are banking on it, then they need it. And let's face it, kryptonite is not so very hard to come by in that town.

This was great. The know Clark can't resist the rescue, this is his weakness. And they wait with the one thing they know defeats him.

And Jonathan Kent...Jonathan Kent...(oh, Lynn, so wrong, so wrong) is perfectly and rightly ferocious as the father of a man who needs protecting- mostly from his own good intentions and his adorable "but I can help make this right" sort of outlook. I love how JK is portrayed. Hard and yet so loving.

The part I've always found so poignant? How much Lex really loves Jonathan Kent. Really wishes for just a crumb of his affection, respect. And how you could argue that if he had gotten it, he wouldn't have become Lex Luthor.

Martha. Yeah. Here's my pet issue.They need to give that woman something to do besides wrinkle her brow and looked worried. The Lana-thing. Sheesh. She needs to be pushing him towards Chloe who, say it with me, is Lois Lane!!

(the Smallville fanfic supports me on this, btw)

((I know. I read Smallville fanfic, and in fact...looks over her considering, you know, giving it a tiny try.))


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
