I thought about being the voice of reason; I still think TW looks, well... like an anorexic adolescent girl who's had collagen injections in her lips. And I think that this episode was worse than usual--and that's saying a *lot*. Strangely enough, the fic I wrote that killed almost all the Smallville main characters off has been nominated for best comedy in the Smallville fandom's fic awards. Sometimes you just can't win.
ROTFL! Okay - I have to ask for my son, mind you - where can he find this one?

He's been saying for about a year now that at least Clark needs to be killed off on Smallville so Lex can become Superman . . . what kills me is that I can't disagree with the idea at all. :rolleyes:

Oh, shut up KathyB. razz

You know, I'd let her talk but the laughing just has to go. laugh And I know she's laughing her head off because she knows quite well that I've HATED this series from the PILOT but for some strange reason can't resist talking about it every chance I get. It's like picking at a wound that won't heal . . . I need help. I really do. mecry


BevBB :-)
"B. B. Medos"