Kathy -

Please, don't let the title of this thread scare you off! I just wrote "Smallville Girls" cause it seems only a small handful of women ever reply to my appeals to discuss Smallville <g>. I certainly would hate to have my name lumped in with any kind of teeny-bopper fan-freak fest. Like you, I actually first tuned into Smallville because TBS took away my LnC reruns and I was desperate for some Clark. I did end up liking the show, though, enough that I tune in every week but not enough that I post on fan forums, etc.

As for the Tom Welling versus Dean Cain debate. I don't know if you've ever seen my "impossible choice post", but in case you haven't, I openly admit that if Tom Welling and Dean Cain were to arrive on my doorstep (tonight preferably because my husband's out of town) and told me to choose one of them to be my devoted love slave, I'd never be able to choose. Dean is buff and beautiful and just...yum...and exactly my age. Tom is about ten years too young, but then he's also tall and dark and dreamy. Especially when he's tripped up on Red K. Oy. Glad I won't be having to make that choice any time soon.

And I totally agree with you - Lex Luthor is the number two reason why I watch Smallville, #1 being the Tom-drool-fest. He is just fascinating - so three dimensional. I love watching an evil-genius in the making. And Michael Rosenbaum deserves ten kinds of Emmy for his acting. He is just awesome. John Glover/Lionel Luther on the other hand <squig>.

I won't speak for CC, but me writing Smallville fic is a pretty bad bet, at least until both of my kids have hit full-time school. I have negative time as it is now trying to keep up with LnC. If I bite off anymore projects or obsessions, I'm going to have to look into cloning.

Now that I've hijacked this thread as my own personal Smallville forum...


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah