Okay, I just watched the ep, so I'm jumping head first into this thread; I'll take a strawberry margarita and a side of Tom Welling. laugh

In all seriousness, there really is only one fair way to settle the dispute about who gets to keep Tom... the person who lives closest to Vancouver (where they film Smallville) wins. If a tie breaker is needed, the person who is within five years of his age without going over is the winner. I'm weighing in at 21.5 years in Seattle. Anyone closer than that? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Nope, I didn't think so. Sorry ladies, but you'll just have to settle for watching me make out with him.

Anyway, moving on to the episode. I thought it was really good except that it left things too happy at the end. What I mean by that is, they had Lex all furious at Clark, which could have been the perfect set up for the Lex of the future, but the end of the ep had him friends with Clark again. What's up with that? These two need to have a serious parting of ways, and fast.

I have to agree with... someone... I'm too lazy to go back and re-read the thread to find out who... I think it was either Lynn or CC... anywho, I liked the return of the former freaks of the weeks. It was really good for them to have some continuity and show that the FOWs didn't just disappear into thin air; they end up somewhere. That, and the fact that Jonathan Taylor Thomas and the guy that they killed are both so yummy.

Other than that I thought the ep was pretty much the same as all of the Smallville eps: too much Lana, too much Bo Duke, not enough Pete, and not enough Chloe.

If I bite off anymore projects or obsessions, I'm going to have to look into cloning.
Eeesh! I should have thought of that before I dove into the One Tree Hill Fandom. Now I'm up to my hair in a website, reviews, music videos... the list goes on.

Wait, I think I hear something... it sounds vaguely like my name... almost like... no, that couldn't be it... could it? Oh no! It's RL! Run for your life! I mean... run for your fandom!!

~Anna (who didn't get a chance to watch TW on Shelley's 55, but did get to watch James Lafferty on it. Yum!)