Oh yay - new Smallville episode tonight.

Oh horror - it was awful!

I just can't believe I'm saying this, but I absolutely HATED Asylum. And it is even more of a tragedy after what they left us with back in November - hopes for something really great. I've never ever before felt so negative about a Smallville episode, so I'm simply beside myself.

What precisely did I hate? Well, where should I begin...

First, that whole Belle Reve Sanitorium. Oh. My. God. In what universe - even Tim Burton's darkest imaginings of Gotham - would anyone ever believe that a place so hellish existed? And in what way, shape or form are we supposed to believe that a place such as that would cause anything other than permanent mental derangement? What's sad is that they could have put poor Lex in a realistic-type of asylum and I would have stayed along for the ride. They didn't need to stylize so harshly to get me to buy into Lex's situation. What was that he was sleeping on, anyway? A stainless steel slab? This set was a scene snatched out of Stephen King's worst nightmare.

Secondly, bringing back the defeated Freaks of the Week. Not necessary - there was plenty of drama inherent in Lex's peril and Clark's struggle to get him out. Didn't need any extra obstacles to muck up the whole thing. Just plain stupid.

Third, the overall grisly nature of the whole episode. I don't mind violence or gore in context, but this was really over the top. It became gratuitous, so very disappointing.

What can I say about Lana. Lana Lana Lana Lana. For the first time since my viewing of Smallville began, I really, really REALLY wanted Clark to meet his Lois. I can't stand to see Clark so sad and lonely. I'm so sick of the angst between these two. For a while, I actually thought they were kind of cute, and I was kind of rooting for them to hook up. Now? Oh where oh where is Lois? Pleeeeeaase!

And how 'bout those whacky teenagers - Chloe and Clark - going to see that evil doctor and persuading her to turn back to the light. Come on. What? Is that Scooby I hear?

I'm not a Lionel Luther fan. Never have been. I don't find him "magnificent" at all, not even in his evilness. Now, he simply disgusts me. I like it so much better when there's a villain I love to hate or hate to love (like Lex). This guy - just makes me queazy.

What can I say that was good about this epi? Hmmmm. Thinking. Well, it was new. I guess that's...something.

I so much want to love this show. I love Tom Welling. I love Michael Rosenbaum. So now I'm just feeling so sad. frown


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah