Originally posted by VirginiaR:
[QB] Christina: You're all caught up. smile1 Hey, look time to post another part.
Darn, and here I was hoping to have a few days to write some. *j/k* Looking forward to reading the next chapter in a bit.

*Imagining a Marilyn Monroe-type motion*
*Alt-Clark is ever so glad that he had been unaware of her movies until recently*
Of course, now that Cat has exposed her to him...
Now he's going to be dreaming of the Marilyn Monroe movies with Lois in the Marilyn roles.

I can't believe he's placing himself in the friend zone like this. I also think that making Wells come back a few WEEKS after the event and not a few HOURS after being warned away unnecessarily cruel. He's acting like there's no hope for the two of them when I suspect that most certainly is NOT the case.
Clark is thinking "better friends, than just co-workers". So you think Herb is going to return in a few weeks? Interesting.
I thought that's what you had said. Maybe I need to go back and re-read the chapter with Wells.

I know you said that they are (maybe) a 95% percent soul match (or did I say that?) but I really think they may have lost 5% through this encounter.
Hmmmmm. Oh, dear.
Mostly because Lois had (seemingly) been more than half-hoping he'd take her up on things (and he would have had the pesky Wells-and potentially the curse-got in the way.) Because of that, Lois is believing he's not interested in her as more than friends (which he is, but he can't act on it thus-"friend zone")

I can just imagine the "evil!Lois" look on her face (I've only seen it in a comic or two of Superman's Girlfriend: Lois Lane").
Naughty/Evil Lois expression shows up once or twice on LnC. <<especially during Season Greedings>>
Good point.

Revenge has nothing on Lois Lane. (of course a Revenge-addled Lois is an enhanced Lois when it comes to inihibitions)
True. But what Clark means is that she has already seen him actively wooing her, since that's what it feels like he's beeing doing since the beginning.
Yep, sounds like he may have shot himself in the foot in her eyes.
[Linked Image] Let's just say that she's torturing Clark to even the playing field once more.
Sadly, I don't see how that's evening the playing field. Sounds more like she's goading him for his actions to me.

I always found it neat that he was the first to notice she was getting ready to leave.
CLARK: I notice everything about Lois.

CAT: rotflol
Aren't those to the silliest, Cat? They are so totally in sync it's not funny and yet they are trying their darndest not to admit it!

CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx.
CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me.
-"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)