-- Response to John's FDK -- Cont.

I am unsure why she wants to hear this.
Because what he had said might not have been as bad as she remembered it.

Hopefully Lois will see that he wanted her, loves her, but knows that he can't act on it.
Maybe it will sink in eventually.

They sounded like an admission of desire.
Maybe a little bit. laugh

I love the changes from canon.
They've moved their relationship forward a bit more, so that necessitated a larger change here.

Clark: I hope she does not wear that one. It will just tease me the whole time.
Actually, that IS the suit she wears.

Clark: She thanked me. I am still in shock.
It helps shows that she believes what he told her.

Reader: I am really in shock. Although this may mean Lois will be trying to seduce Clark sooner than he ever thought possible, creating its own problems. Still, <<very happy Reader>>
[Linked Image]

You really do like to torture Clark.

Lois: I can't wait to get my hands on that no-good Miranda.
It's probably best if she doesn't at the moment.

Lois: If I had just drugged the newsroom I would not be taking calls either.
Actually, I was kind of surprised in canon how cocky Miranda was during the perfume shop scene.

Probably saving money so she has resources for a lawsuit.
I don't think you can sue someone who is legally insane, (which Miranda was by the end of canon PML)

Clark: Lois, it is not your fault you were affected. It was because you were in the newsroom when it was spayed, and I was not. It says nothing about you.
She's not thinking that clearly yet.

That would have been so totally not Clark.
LOIS: [Linked Image]He's making it very hard not to still be in love with him.

It is so sad that in reality the only thing he is glad of is that she is not dead.
CLARK: I'm glad that she thanked me for not taking advantage of her, even though I did, despite telling to take advantage of her the next time she was inebriated and threw herself at me. I'm glad she's still talking to me.

I guess this will be ruled as a suicide with little problem.

I guess it would be a bit hard to bring up that Wells was a time-traveler at this point.
Best not to mention it.

Well, he could pretend to be affected, just a little.
Does he need to?

he admits she affects him.
He could hardly deny it... oh, wait, canon Clark did.

Now that really does not fit here. Clark has never denied finding her attractive.
LOIS: Well, he didn't TRY to do anything with me. He kept pushing me away while I was kissing him. What am I supposed to think? That he's that nice of a man? Please! He's not Superman.

Not likely to work, ever. Even if the evidence was more conclusive.
So, he should just stop trying?

That is really, really unfair.
Probably. But who says that Lois plays fair?

LOIS: I'm hurting and humiliated and Clark isn't telling me that he still loves me and wishes that we were together. Misery loves company, and I'm miserable.

I am still shocked Clark demanded the payment. Well, maybe it makes sense, but I think he would be better of not pressing Lois so.
CLARK: Why not? It's what she would have done.

I guess I am not surprised Lois is not giving up easily.
LOIS: I'm sorry, what does this phrase "give up" mean?

He has a point, but should probably just bow out.
CLARK: So, I should be a pushover?

I just hope Lois does not really believe this.
She could just not want to lose the bet.

She does have a point.
LOIS: Of course, I'm right. I'm always right.

And Lois is wrong again.
LOIS: Ex-cuse me!

Hopefully Clark humors her in this line of thinking.
CLARK: Why not? I found it quite funny indeed.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.