Trying his best doesn't mean that Lois won't beat him over the head for it.
So true, so very true.

He's trying not to think of it, which you can see isn't working. It's kind of like saying "don't think of the pretty girl in the bikini" and even if you weren't thinking of her, you are now.
Clark: Now I have images of Lois in a bikini in my mind. I would not mind, but now I can't do anything with her. Grrr.

He maybe being honest, but that doesn't necessarily make Lois feel any better about how she acted.
True, but at least this way he cannot be blind sided by someone else telling Lois about this and having him accused of being a liar, again.

Especially since it would have made her realize she had acted so wantonly with SUPERMAN!
Of course, maybe it would have been better to do it all at once. She will still feel some of the embarrassment when he does finally tell her, or she figures it out.

Clark, I think you had better tell her before she figures out.

Clark: Hey, I have made it nine months, I can make it a little longer. I will tell her once things are right.

Reader:Which at the rate you are going, will be never.

Did Clark initially think this was a good development, since the suit covered more. Or does the suit not really cover more?
Because it seemed like she was acting more like her true self.
Lois: It worked. Lois looked at me more.

Your explanation that Lois remembers all of it but does not really see that she was acting out of character makes her later actions make sense.

She may at some level know that Clark did the right thing, but she still feels rejected by him and that hurts. Between being embarrassed at almost giving in, knowing he can't have her, and figuring she is still mad, Clark is not showing that he truly, deep down loves her.

Lois is really feeling like he rejected her, even if he has tried not to send that vive to her.

John Pack Lambert