“You truly thought that after everything that had happened between us, that I would throw myself at you in such a wanton fashion?”
Sandy: "But there's... NOOO where to run! I'm hopelessly devoted tooo you!"

Lois: Oh shut up you.

“And did I really…” She closed her eyes before proceeding. “Crawl across your living room floor on my hands and knees to you, like some wild animal, begging you to make love to me?”
I can just imagine how much worse this might have been for Alt-Clark than Canon Clark. If Canon Clark had gotten the same visit from Wells he might have acted this way too, it's just that things were not quite the same level of heat between Lois and Clark as Lois and Alt-Clark.)

He had been lulled into complacency with the thought that Lois was acting more like herself, wanting to be professionally dressed before interrogating a suspect. Then she had leaned against his archway, wearing the highest heels he had ever seen on her feet. She ran her hands up her legs, pulling her skirt to the top of her thighs for a moment before continuing to move her hands up her chest to her neck, and finally through her hair and into the air.
*Imagining a Marilyn Monroe-type motion*
*Alt-Clark is ever so glad that he had been unaware of her movies until recently*

Clark had turned towards her to protest this behavior and noticed she only wore the negligee and high heels. His mouth had fallen open as he stared at her. His willpower was at nil; below nil actually, since he stepped towards her, wanting nothing more than to touch the goddess before him.
*Alt-Clark moves to Lois like a moth to a flame*
Wells: Hold your horses mister.

Instead of being super sexy in those heels though, she had stumbled, and he had to use an ounce of super speed to catch her before she landed on the floor. That was when he realized that it had all been part of her plan, because she took advantage of his proximity to push him to the ground and sit on top of him. As she started to kiss him, she had taken his hands and coasted them down her practically naked body. For one second, a millisecond, he succumbed and moaned with pent up desire.
Canon-Clark: *drools* If Lois had done this you can bet I wouldn't have held out to morning.

Canon-Lois: And you would have found yourself out of a job the next morning.

Clark had pushed against the floor...
I'm sure that pushed him even closer to her for a second before (probably) dumping her (mostly unceremoniously) on the floor.

and scampered backwards away from her. She had stared at him like a ferocious lioness, licking her chops, and crawled after him.
I get the feeling this would have been even MORE hilarious than the episode actually was.

Lois buried her head into his throw pillow. “Tell me again what you said when you left?” she mumbled, refusing to look at him.

“‘If I stay, Lois, you’ll never forgive me, and I’ll never be able to forgive myself’,” he replied.
That's actually really romantic. Wonder which spin she's placing on it.

Lois (v. 1): He doesn't want me at all. He's just trying to sugar-coat things so he doesn't hurt my feelings.

Lois (v.2): Awww, that's the sweetest thing he could ever do for me.

Lois stepped between him and the archway to the kitchen, and set her hand on his chest in a way that he still sent waves of desire down to his toenails and back up through his hair. “Thank you, Clark,” she whispered. “Thank you for not taking advantage of me.”
Probably even more erotic than anything she might have done on the pheromone because (at least to him) it's fully Lois and fully REAL.

Clark guiltily felt as if he had taken plenty advantage of Lois, especially since he knew that if Herb hadn’t interrupted them, he probably would still be crying over her cold, dead body at that very moment. “Any time,” he replied, his voice rough. “That’s what friends are for.”
I can't believe he's placing himself in the friend zone like this. I also think that making Wells come back a few WEEKS after the event and not a few HOURS after being warned away unnecessarily cruel. He's acting like there's no hope for the two of them when I suspect that most certainly is NOT the case.

Friends, the closest they could ever be, and the last thing he wanted to “just” be with Lois.
Never thought I'd see the say when Clark would leave himself in the friend zone (and to be clear, I HATE that phrase but it's rather apt at this point.)

Lois’s soul still burned with the embarrassment of her behavior and Clark’s rejection. She was glad she had decided to fake total blackout of the last few days. It allowed them an out to return to how their lives were previously.
I know you said that they are (maybe) a 95% percent soul match (or did I say that?) but I really think they may have lost 5% through this encounter.

Why couldn’t he have been affected too? Then at least they would be on a level playing field, and possibly in a new relationship,
So it's fairly obvious to me that she would have taken the opening given by the pheromone if given half the chance, even with the partial secrets that still lay between them. That Clark had been warned away probably killed that possibility (at least at this time and likely sometime into the future.)

“I think you’re next up on the docket as our test subject, Clark. Maybe I’d like to see what pheromones do to you for a change,” she said.
I can just imagine the "evil!Lois" look on her face (I've only seen it in a comic or two of Superman's Girlfriend: Lois Lane").

Lois: Wouldn't that be fun to have a Clark Kent uninhibited and making love to me? *sighs dreamily*

Lois turned towards the front of the store to call the police, only to hear her partner mumble, more to himself than her, “You already have.”
Revenge has nothing on Lois Lane. (of course a Revenge-addled Lois is an enhanced Lois when it comes to inihibitions)

She spun around. “What did you say?”
She's going to be thinking about Clark's comment for a LONG time to come.

“Are you jealous, Chuck?” she asked, leaning towards him. “Because you had your chance, and you didn’t take it?”
Yep, sounds like he may have shot himself in the foot in her eyes.

“Still, it’s a nice honor,” Clark was saying to Cat, as he flipped through the magazine. “I’m sure he’s flattered.”

Lois rolled her eyes. She was sure Superman didn’t care one way or another.
Goes to show what you know, Lois.

“Yes,” Lois said, lowering her voice. “Apparently, when I was drugged last week, I called the Lexor and made reservations for the honeymoon suite over Valentine’s Day weekend. I got your confirmation letter in the mail today, and I would like to cancel. I’m not getting married now, or anytime in the near future, and I refuse to pay twelve hundred dollars for the privilege of spending even one night in your hotel.”
I like your version of how she ended up in the Hooneymoon suite. I had always wondered if the "It was the only room available" had more to do with a certain billionaire upgrading her room surreptitiously. I think I like your version better.

“Lois, are you going somewhere?” called her nosey partner from over at his desk. She should have known she wouldn’t be able to sneak away without him noticing.
I always found it neat that he was the first to notice she was getting ready to leave.

Perry took the letter out of her hand. “Darlin’, this is for the honeymoon suite,” he announced with a sidelong glance at Clark.
Perry: Now are my two best reporters have an undercover tryst I'm not being made aware of?

She was able to make it two steps before Clark blocked her path. In a soft voice he asked, “Are you checking in alone?”
He loves her and yet won't become involved with her (purportedly because of the curse.) He has no RIGHT to ask her that question.

Oh, heavens! He was just asking for trouble. She put a pout to her lips. “Chuck,” she crooned in her best Revenge addled voice, as her fingers danced across his chest. “Don’t you remember? You promised me we would spend tonight together as husband and wife?” She turned suddenly, slamming him in the gut with her briefcase. “Of course, I’m checking in alone!”
He deserved that.

Lois: *nods*

“Thanks, Perry,” she said with a nod. She picked up her bag and headed for the door. Her eyes automatically drifted over to Clark’s, and she noticed he was staring at her, his expression unreadable. Without saying another word to anyone, she turned towards the elevators and her night full of tears, misery, and broken dreams.
Two hearts crying out for each other. The gulf of the curse lay ahead of them. (Personally I think it's simply a little valley but until Wells says otherwise it might as well be a great huge chasm.)

CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx.
CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me.
-"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)