Clark glanced sheepishly over at Lois.
Clark, come on. You tried the hardest to do the right thing. Maybe you could have done better, but it was hard to know what to do.

She was still wearing that negligee, but thankfully had covered it with his robe.
Clark: Which just makes it tougher at some level.

She had her hands wrapped around a cup of coffee, fixed just the way she liked it, from her favorite espresso place.
Clark: I just hope this makes her forgiveness of me a little faster.

At least, Lois was talking to him, but she hadn’t looked his direction since he’d described what had happened over the last two days. He hadn’t left out a single detail. He owed her that much.
grumble not only is she drugged, and would be so mad at me, but if I did her, she would die.

She had kicked the skirt towards him as well. While he had draped it over the back of the couch with her jacket, she had pulled off the camisole shirt, throwing it in his face.
Clark: This is so tough.

He could still recall her musky scent mixed with a light floral perfume, which permeated the shirt.
Lois: Clark, how did you resist.

Clark: Well, I knew you would accuse me of "taking advantage" if I did anything.

Clark had turned towards her to protest this behavior and noticed she only wore the negligee and high heels. His mouth had fallen open as he stared at her. His willpower was at nil; below nil actually, since he stepped towards her, wanting nothing more than to touch the goddess before him.
Lois: Clark, you were taking advantage of me.

Clark: You are so desirable.

Instead of being super sexy in those heels though, she had stumbled, and he had to use an ounce of super speed to catch her before she landed on the floor.
Now the question is, how well does she remember this incident.

Clark: I don't care. It saved me from givening in. That would have been horrible, on all sorts of levels.

That was when he realized that it had all been part of her plan, because she took advantage of his proximity to push him to the ground and sit on top of him.
Clark: Fortunantly my libido had been slowed a little.

As she started to kiss him, she had taken his hands and coasted them down her practically naked body.
Clark: Lois, I am sorry about that.

Lois: You could have pushed me off.

For one second, a millisecond, he succumbed and moaned with pent up desire. That was when he remembered that with each kiss he was leading closer to killing her.
Maybe it is good that Wells told him that. Just dealing with a drugged Lois might not have been enough to stop him, and Lois would be really amd.

Although, if he had told him he was SM, who knows what would have happened.

Clark had pushed against the floor and scampered backwards away from her. She had stared at him like a ferocious lioness, licking her chops, and crawled after him. He had been halted by the stairs to his front door, half frozen in terror, and half melted into a puddle of want. After she had grabbed his hips and tried to unzip his slacks, he had fled up the stairs and out the door.
I guess I see why he did this. I guess since Lois was being so suspicious about his initial reaction, she can't consistently get on his case for this.

Lois: Who ever said I needed to be consistent.

He knew it was too dangerous to remain in her presence any longer.
I have to say this was a wise decision. He was also wise to tell Lois about this, even if he wishes he could hide it.

John Pack Lambert