Lois buried her head into his throw pillow.
Lois: This is so embarrassing.

“Tell me again what you said when you left?” she mumbled, refusing to look at him.
I am unsure why she wants to hear this.

“‘If I stay, Lois, you’ll never forgive me, and I’ll never be able to forgive myself’,” he replied.
Hopefully Lois will see that he wanted her, loves her, but knows that he can't act on it.

He shook away the image of Lois crawling across the floor to him in that negligee and focused on making his voice stable.
Hopefully Lois realizes he loves her, and that is why he did what he did.

“Lois, please, let’s forget about last night, forget about the last two days, we need to find this Miranda. We need to find out what’s in this stuff, and how and why she’s using it. Come on, I need you.”
Lois: He needs me? I like the sound of that. Still, I have to be mad at him. He mad me humiliate myself, and even if I would be more mad if he had just given me love like I thought I wanted, I need to be mad at someone.

She glanced up at him with a startled expression, and he realized how his words must have sounded to her.
They sounded like an admission of desire.

“I need my partner back,” he clarified.
Lois: Well, I was here the whole time.

Lois continued to stare at him for a moment, before nodding. “Okay,” she agreed, standing up. She found her purse and keys on his coffee table. “I’m going home to get dressed. I’ll be back in an hour, and don’t even think about making me…” She made it as far as his stairs before realizing she was only wearing his robe over her negligee. “Um… uh…”
I love the changes from canon.

Clark took a deep breath and stood up. “You moved in with me, yesterday. So, you have a couple of changes of clothes here, not to mention your blue suit.
Clark: I hope she does not wear that one. It will just tease me the whole time.

Come on,” he said, entering his bedroom. “I’ll show you where.”

Reluctantly, she followed.
Lois: I hate depending on other people.

He pointed at his dresser and armoire. “Your toiletries have been put away in my medicine cabinet,” he reminded her, pointing towards his bathroom. “I’ll make breakfast.”
Clark: Well, she is less angry than I feared. Although maybe it is the calm before the storm.

Lois stepped between him and the archway to the kitchen, and set her hand on his chest in a way that he still sent waves of desire down to his toenails and back up through his hair. “Thank you, Clark,” she whispered. “Thank you for not taking advantage of me.”
Clark: smile1 hyper clap dance .

John Pack Lambert