Monday morning, despite her waiting on hold, Clark walked up to Lois and dropped a faxed copy of Miranda’s autopsy report on her desk. “Murder. That’ll be five bucks, please.”
I am still shocked Clark demanded the payment. Well, maybe it makes sense, but I think he would be better ofcv not pressing Lois so.

She snatched up the paper and quickly read it. “Evidence of multiple strangulation points and bruising consistent with an attack from another person,” she summarized, tossing the paper back at Clark. “But it also says that it was the rope, which killed her, not the hand-to-hand strangulation. Murder was inconclusive. You didn’t win.”
I guess I am not surprised Lois is not giving up easily.

“It shows that someone strangled her until she passed out and then put a noose around her neck and strung her up to die. That sounds like murder to me,” Clark retorted.
He has a point, but should probably just bow out.

Alcohol was found in her system. Perhaps someone from the bar attacked her and she just barely escaped. Depressed, she returns to her shop and hangs herself.”
I just hope Lois does not really believe this.

Lois picked it up. “Superman named Metropolis’s Most Eligible Bachelor? Please!” She shook her head. “Didn’t those idiots even speak with Superman? He’s ineligible because he doesn’t date. It would be like nominating the Pope or Mother Teresa.”
She does have a point.

Lois rolled her eyes. She was sure Superman didn’t care one way or another.
And Lois is wrong again.

“Yes, action," she went on. "I feel like we needed an edge of our seat chase, where Superman rescues me from over a vat of boiling chemicals at the last second. Then he races into the sky to capture Miranda in her crop duster before she sprays her one hundred proof Revenge over the city. Unfortunately, when sucking up the potion, Superman gets infected and comes back down to Earth to drop to one knee to profess his undying love to me,” Lois said with sigh. “I, of course, knowing he was under the perfume’s spell would be the better person and not take advantage of him.”
Hopefully Clark humors her in this line of thinking.

Like hell! She would so kiss him, and thus ending their stalemate of affection. Their relationship would start up again as he flew her into the clouds and they lived happily ever after. It could have happened, she tried to convince herself with a dreamy sigh. As with all her daydreams about Superman, it was just another fantasy.
Clark: I just hope I would not be affected, otherwise she might end up dieing.

“Uh-huh,” Clark replied skeptically. “You want Superman to profess his undying love to you on bended knee? This would be Pope Superman, the abstinent superhero?”
I like how Clark is so good at banter.

Lois shrugged innocently. “It would be a nice change from being the one always doing the mooning.”

Clark merely shook his head. Cat, on the other hand, was almost apoplectic with giggles. Big surprise.
It seems Lois is still very mad about the whole course of events. Clark needs to moon over her more.

Her partner grinned. “Has anybody missed him yet?”
Clark: smile1 I did one thing right.

“I haven’t!” Lois laughed. It was the first time she had laughed in days.
Clark: whinging

“Ah, yes, Miss Lane. Here it is. You and Mr. Kent are to check in this Friday, the eleventh, and check out next Wednesday, the sixteenth, is that not correct?”
Lois: Another man who does not listen to me.

I have to say that I like how for the first time being in the honeymoon suite fully makes sense.

Mr. Fredericks asked. “This twelve hundred a night charge includes three meals a day, the fully loaded bar in the suite, a bottle of our finest champagne every night, theatre tickets, a scenic tour of Metropolis, twelve dozen bouquets of red roses, a his and hers day at our full-service spa, and a complimentary gift basket.”
Maybe that is where the roses on Lois' desk came from.

but theatre tickets during a honeymoon?
Good point.

A tour of Metropolis? I’m from Metropolis! I could give a tour. Show me a honeymooning couple out on the town, and I’ll show you people who haven’t just gotten married.”
Clark: Plus, if we actually did get married, and we did want to tour something, we would do it in our own special private way.

Lois: How?

Clark: I don't feel up to telling you yet.

“Actually, Miss Lane, the theatre tickets and scenic tour are very popular with our out of town guests,” Mr. Fredericks explained.
Lois: Which is not me.

Figures! “Okay, can you then explain how, if a ‘gift’ basket is included in the cost, it is complimentary?”
whinging she is still really mad at him.

She had a whole night in the honeymoon suite by herself to remember how she and Clark had almost been in a perfect relationship full of love and affection.

Just what she needed.
You do like to torture your characters.

I guess it all makes sense what has happened between her and Clark, I just wish they would find a way to tell eachother how they really feel.

John Pack Lambert