Not if he shows proper restraint.
Again, he's referring to kissing down her chest earlier.
Still, I think if he does not repeat that. Also, he can argue that he did not know until warned by his informant. OK, she probably will still be mad, but at least she will not be mad at her for not being attracted to her, well hopefully.

He's trying to still act loving so not to incur "drunk Lois's" ire. He doesn't want to suddenly act differently than he was before his meeting with Herb. He doesn't want her to wonder why he's changed his tune and doubt his true affection for her, when she thinks back upon this episode.
It makes sense. Of course, it is going to be a very tough balance indeed. I am not sure there is any win situation, since at some level she will just be mad that she was drugged and acted this way.

On the other hand, I think it will really, really help that he was not sprayed. At least then he does not have to explain not reacting and have the added burden of Lois being mad that somehow he restrained himself when she did not. I at least hope that that will lessen her ire.

I am also hoping the fact he offered to tell her the truth will be counted as a plus on his side.

he has figured a way to make her happy without direct contact.
But is it sustainable?
Clark: That is why I am not sure I am even thinking in hour blocks of getting through this anymore. This is really, really, really tough, so I have no easy solutions. One moment at a time.

LOIS: What do you mean, 'my mind is off'? It's still here. It just is thinking about what I'm going to do with you once I get you into bed.
Clark: Exactly Lois. Normally you don't think about that.

Lois: No Chuck, that is where you are wrong. I have thought about that a lot at least since you first told someone I was your wife.

Clark:What, you knew it was just a cover.

Lois: OK, maybe I first thought about it before then. The thing is I try to hide the thoughts from myself, and definately from you. It is not that my thoughts have changed, but that I have finally decided to open up and tell you about them.

I thought that happened in canon. Just another reason for her to be humiliated when the perfume wears off. clap True, but that's not what she meant.
Lois: Two can play at the selective truth game.

Clark: But Lois, you don't know it is true.

Lois: You play selective truth your way, I play it my way. You tell truths in tones where I won't believe them, I tell truths I don't actually know are true. We both speak the actual literal truth though.

John Pack Lambert