He had turned in his article.
Lois: smile1 see no reason to go back to the office today.

Knowing Lois, she had too.
Lois: hyper article, what article? I had too much fun watching Clark all day. hyper Clark is going along and I have not even started any of my real moves on him.

Where would be the harm in making out with the woman he loved?
Lois: hyper sounds great by me. At least as long as he does not try to stop at just "making out."

He pulled his keys out of his pocket.
Lois: I wish he had let me do that.

He knew where the harm lay. It lay in him dying a thousand deaths when he discovered that it didn’t matter what Carlos wanted. If Clark could save Lois’s true Clark, Clark would have to say goodbye to Lois forever, and that was where the harm lay. It was that one little pesky uncertainty, which had him reminding Lois that it would be better if they waited before they made love.
Lois: We have waited six months since I first asked you to make love to, Chuck.

She nibbled on his ear as he tried to unlock the door.
Clark: dance dance I like this. Although, no, no over thinking.

She was making it darn near impossible to hold onto that last little promise, which he had made to himself… well, second to last promise. She still didn’t know that Clark Kent also flew around Metropolis as Superman.
Lois: Why is Clark holding back at all? I guess I need to try harder to please him.

John Pack Lambert