-- Response to John's FDK - Cont.

I decided to do in-depth FDK to the first part. I won't get any further than that though for awhile.
Oh, goody! More! smile1

At first I thought this was in his apartment. On thinking more I figured it was in the restarant, and I guess you do say the cab ride was to the restaurant, but I was still confused because in the last part they gave the driver Clark's address. Or I thought they did. Was that Clark's address or the restaurant address? I guess the "Followed him" line makes it sound like they are going to the same place, not equivalent places.
Well, this part starts out with "The restaurant was..."

Too bad Clark has not told her he is invulnerable yet.
Lois isn't. That's why he needs to clean his hands. Also, it's polite to wash one's hands before eating.

Clark: That is ok, I still prefer to eat food from Lois' hands when they are clean, although I will accept other ways.

Lois: he wants to eat out of my hands.
LOIS: Wait! He ALREADY eats out of my hands.

Lois: OK, maybe we did a little more than kiss in the cab. It still felt like "only kissing" compared to what I wanted to do with my hunky man Clarkie.
Making out is difficult when keeping one's hands to one's self.

Lois: Still, maybe he would have done more if my hair had been neater.

Clark: Your hair got messed up from us going at eachoter.

Lois: he was touching lots of me, although not enough without clothing.
CLARK: Geez, Lois. We were in public. Sure, in a cab, but the cabbie could see us and our first time in the backseat of a cab while the cabbie crashed, while memoriable, isn't exactly how I *want* to remember it.

Lois: Clark is so good. I was going to think of someone else who would have probably criticized, but I am not going to. Much more fun to think of how wonderful Clark is. Clark.
There's someone to think of other than Clark? clap

she really does love him.
LOIS: What's that supposed to mean? That I use sex to get information or something?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.