Michael: You eat veggies? Wow! That's terrific. Trying very hard to get my son to do that. So far, I can only get him to eat carrots. On the plus side, he's got great eyesight.

That’s what he gets for not marrying Lois in time.
dizzy Speaking of which that one will be coming to an Archive near you before too long.

Who said only Clark can pull off a secret identity. And can you imagine if Clark doesn’t recognize ‘Linda’ and starts flirting with her?

Which is why I won’t be posting any new story that’s not completely typed up and ready for beta and am trying not to start new stories that will take a long time before I finish the others.
A definate recommendation for all writers with a RL. I, myself, don't really have one. This is where I come to talk to people over age 8. wallbash

<beta reader with whip>
Oh, good, you've got one of those already! Great! New stories coming soon. Maybe you should sign up for one of DC's Fall ficathon topics. <<coaxing>> You have until Dec. 1 to get it in.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.