Exotic dan*g*er
Pishaw! Lex can get exotic danger from his other girls. An exotic dancer on the other hand makes those videos jump! (My apologies to Lois)

what’s ‘MoSB’?
That would be an abv. for "Man of Steel Bars."

No he didn’t. It’s covered in the Vigilante Protection Act of 1939
clap The one written by Jerry and Joe?

The brain probably does. I was referring to kidneys and stuff. There’s a fic on that.
LnC fic on Clark as a organ harvester? :p

/pst/ You just have to tell him there’s a Lois at the end of the tunnel and he’ll push the hot poker in himself.
I could just remind him that PML will be coming up shortly after... Clark! Clark! What are you doing with that hot poker? Michael said to use the hot poker, not me! Put that down!

Here’s a sneak peak from something that’s been cooking for two years now and since it’s not ready but I just love this bit, I’ll just paste it here and hope you’ll have a giggle (and no, no spoilers involved):
clap I love the part that it's like a pet one with an extra squiggley meaning sentient being. <<I'm too embarrassed for Clark's naivety to look, too interested in seeing his reaction to THAT conversation with Zara to look away>> That's it?! Where's the rest? [Linked Image] /psst. That's supposed to be a 'waiting' smilie, but I think it would work better with telescopic eyes looking instead of ear listening/

It is. And the best thing is, it has zero calories. Calories don’t count if tastes good, right?
Oh, no! The calories are still there, but you have leave them on the plate in the form of a crumb.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.