I didn’t need a *reminder*. I just wanted to get all the other stuff on my list done first. Umm… So I could spend time on the story without guilting out over undone stuff.
You mean like eating your veggies to get dessert?

Not surprise ending. Just surprise that there’s an A-plot in there
clap Hey, don't look now, between those two people kissing there... I told you NOT to look. Now, you've done it.

LOIS: A story? There's a story somewhere around here, and I've been kissing Clark?

CLARK: Great. Thanks, guys.

Wendy Richards
Editor Jax
Yvonne Connell
Kathy B
Pam J
CC Aiken
This is in no way a complete list of the great authors on this board and archive. But, one of the stories written by them is the story mentioned above. So, you’ve now got a 1 in 250(?) chance of stumbling over the story
EW: <<opens up window to find time to read all those stories>>

Only if you want me to start compulsively checking the boards for Water Fight instead of trying to start on my own story.
Rough draft of the first half complete. Although, I think I may have stepped over the PG13 line in a place or two. jawdrop (I'm thinking starting stories isn't a problem with you, Michael. You need someone to [Linked Image]get you to finish them.)

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.