Michael's FDK-FDK - Part 3

What day is it?
Fight Night took place on a Saturday, so it will be Sunday (technically) by the time they return to Lois's apartment.

Especially considering the surveillance cams. No, Clark can give Lois her sponge bath just as fine as Lucy can.
a) they don't know about the surveillance, and b) Lucy helping Lois out in the shower isn't as much fun for Lex?

Big bed. Lois needs someone to rest her head on. Also, he could float.
Floating is not recommended due to Lex's cameras.

“You’re not sleeping with my sister,” she stated plainly.

Sleeping, Lucy. Not sleeping *with*.
This is a demand, not a statement of fact. She realizes that it was actually true, by his response. Hence her line about how they're perfect for one another.

“No, I’m not,” Clark responded, surprised that Jimbo hadn’t explained the facts to Lucy.

Oh. Wait. Lucy meant she just realized that Clark and Lois haven’t yet consummated their attraction?
*Now* she knows.

Is she suggesting that she and Jimmy and then she and Jimmy? But but but they’re not married! /tries to make scandalized face/
No comment. [Linked Image]

And here, this is called umm… ‘A’. When properly used, it fits perfectly with umm… ‘B’.
And James had thought Clark was The King! drool Chocolate covered?

And, Clark? Only rich sociopaths are allowed to watch Lois shower.
He promises to shut his eyes. [Linked Image]

Lex is going to get an eyeful. And a few days later… Don’t you think Lex has really nice, shiny blue eyes? Soon, he’ll even be able to see something again when the swellings gone back some.
Only Clark thinks this move is like Superman, anyway, Lex has gone hunting.

Superman. She’s dreaming of Superman. Oh boy.
Um... Actually not.

Virginia! Not funny.

Clark: “What?”
Lois: “Lex. Lex is standing in the door.”
rotflol Sorry, Lex has gone to the manor house.

Not funny. Should start keeping FDK back till next part is posted.
shock Oh, dear. This originally wasn't the stopping spot for this Part, but then I added the scene with the DP staff and Lucy coming to wait with Clark back in, after cutting it, and spacing wise this seemed like a good spot. laugh No? [Linked Image]

Say, could you ask Lois if that denial actually works eventually? Oh, wait, nevermind. Unless Lois slaps him silly in the first paragraph of part 33, I guess the answer is ‘no’.
Denial? No, she knows what's going on. And, no, she doesn't slap him silly in the first paragraph of Part 33. Actually, I don't even think she raises her voice in the whole part. [Linked Image]

What do you mean 'Sunday'? That's four - repeat F O U R - days. That won't do.
*BY* Sunday. Posted 32 on THURSDAY (or my Wednesday Night) - day one. Friday - Saturday - days 2 & 3. Will post late Saturday night (my time) / early Sunday (your time) Day 1, again. It's only 4 days if you count the days I post part 32 & 33, which would be incorrect. It's marked on my calendar and there are only two days (unmarked) in-between posting days (which are marked). From this point, roughly 30 hours.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.