#49 Give Me Your Hand by Meg Abbott

This psychological thriller was about the relationship between two girls who were friends in high school. When one learns the other's horrible secret, they part ways. Years later, they end up in the same competitive research lab.

I've read other books by this author. She wrote one about a family with a daughter that was a competitive gymnast. Having dealt with that myself, I could see that a lot of that rang true so I thought I'd give this book about a research scientist a chance. Meg Abbott manages to get some buzz words about science and research correct. But on the whole, it is ridiculous. Add to that, the logic of the plotline was a train wreck. Such as, an accident takes place before your eyes in the lab and some one is gravely injured. Instead of calling 911, you enter into a cover-up with the person you fear and don't trust? This book was a waste of time.

Last edited by scifiJoan; 10/11/21 09:41 AM.