#28 Sharpie: The Life Story of Evelyn Sharp by Diane Ruth Armour Bartels

This book described the life of Evelyn Sharp, one of the first female pilots, which should've been an interesting story. It wasn't. It's a shame. The author felt the need to document everything (which isn't a bad thing). But do you need to include quotes and footnote that Evelyn thought flying was "swell"? So incredibly stiff. So many insignificant trivial details! Yes, it's impressive that the small town of Ord Nebraska helped her out so much during a difficult time but I just don't care about the cast of the senior class play or who furnished the refreshments at the dance. I only finished this book (skimming when I hit half way) because I read it for book club and wanted to be able to contribute in the discussion. Otherwise, this book was a waste of time.