17) Victory at Villers-Bretonneux by Peter Fitzsimons amongst my favourite travel memories as an Australian is visiting the Australian memorial on ANZAC Day however, despite my interest in military history I had little knowledge of WWI except what little I knew of Gallipoli. Having read his previous book on Gallipoli which I had thoroughly enjoyed I had a level of expectation which sadly this book did not meet. Though interesting especially given this battlefield would be recorded in history as having seen the first tank against tank battle and also not far from this area the Red Baron the legendary German fighter ace of WWI would be shot down and killed it was a rather laborious read and choppy in presentation.

18) Heatwave by Michael Jan Friedman this book has been mentioned before by Lois and Clark fans as it is one of three written by Friedman based on Lois and Clark. There’s a heatwave in Metropolis and in the midst of this heatwave a major action movie which is being shot in Centennial Park is plagued by a string of unexplainable accidents. Lois and Clark’s task is to go undercover on set as production assistants to find the culprit behind these accidents.

19) Deadly Games by Michael Jan Friedman after returning from a week in Paris on assignment Lois finds out that Clark has been spending time with heiress Janna Leighton. While Lois is miffed that Clark cannot tell her the reasons behind this she is determined to find out the truth behind it all and why Janna is under attack by would-be assassins

20) Exile by Michael Jan Friedman Thaddeus Killgrave seeks revenge on the Man of Steel for thwarting his previous attempts to extort Metropolis by making Superman a host for a highly contagious and deadly virus. With Superman now out of action a team of criminals use it to their advantage by carrying out daring robberies knowing that they won’t be stopped. Lois must go alone to save the man she loves and stop the thieves and Killgrave.

The three books above are great if your looking for more action, but not romance. Lois and Clark barely interact with each other. As for me I do like them and will reread them every now and again. The books published in the UK have glossy coloured pictures of the cast as well so they are worth it for that

Last edited by Crazy_Babe; 04/10/21 04:45 PM.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

Helen Keller