#42 Beautiful Bad by Annie Ward

The summary of this book describes it as a 'beautiful marriage gone wrong'. This wasn't the case. It described two badly damaged people in a relationship over many years which culminated in tragedy. The story teased us that some one had been murdered and showed us bits and pieces as the book moved along. I didn't like any of the characters and the story seem to move a bit unevenly.

#43 The Only Woman in the Room by Marie Benedict

This novel was based on the life of Hedy Lamarr. It was interesting to learn about her life - being married to a wealthy arms merchant, being in a position to overhear conversations between people of power. I enjoyed the book but wished it would've included more of her life - her other husbands and inventions other than the torpedo radar.

Last edited by scifiJoan; 08/27/21 11:26 PM.