Crazy Babe, Thanks for letting me know about more books by Heather Morris. A friend of mine read the book and said it's a sad story, but a good one.

#13 The Book of Two Ways by Jodi PIcoult

Dawn survives a plane crash, only to realize her thoughts didn't go to her husband and daughter but to the man she left behind 15 years ago. For a while we follow her returning home in one chapter and going to Egypt to find her lost love in the other. At some point the two time lines combine but it was so poorly done I lost track of how. Or maybe by that point, I just didn't care.

I have a love/hate relationship with Jodi Picoult. She takes on some intriguing subjects and does a fascinating job with non-linear story telling. I despised this book . And I don't often say these things. The premise was clucky. There was way too much background on ancient Egypt and Quantum mechanics, partially to justify this alternative path/multiverse premise. And generally I like those types of stories! I also couldn't stand the idea that this woman was ready to throw away her marriage of 15 years, only because she suddenly realized she loved this other guy (who she hadn't seen in 15 years) more than her husband. The behavior of the men by the end of the story seemed totally unrealistic as well.

Terry , I read "The One" recently too and had similar feelings about it. It seemed like they could've asked more interesting questions about the nature of attraction and relationships rather than focusing on suspect science. Netflix has a series on this. I started watching it ('cause that's what we do nowadays ) It's not the same as the book which may be in it's favor. I haven't gotten that far yet.

Last edited by scifiJoan; 03/24/21 04:34 PM.